lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008

Welcome to -20F Dr. Licata!

So much has happened since we last updated the blog! The most important of which is that on December 20, 2007, Julian very successfully defended his dissertation! The last few weeks were a bit stressful, but come show time, Julian really pulled out all the stops and gave a great talk. He got lots of questions from people in the audience afterward and handled them all without problems. He also did a spectacular job during the closed session with his committee members and, (the bugger!) didn't even have any revisions! It was a very happy day!!

We spent Christmas in Corvallis with friends (Eben, Daniel and Moni, Dani). I subjected everyone to Lutefisk, which is the x-mas eve tradition in Erika's family, and Moni brought this incredible Chilean dish. I'm sure everyone was very happy that she did...! After dinner, we played killer Trivial pursuit until 4am (didn't think it could be done, did you?!). I'd really like to know if anybody under the age of 50 can answer the damn pink questions...
For New Year's J and I stayed home and cooked an incredible meal followed by fireworks (the real kind, courtesy of our neighbor - the other kind came after the champagne ;-)) and champagne. Very yummy!! :) We definitely had a lot to be grateful for in 2007, not the least of which for me was having my hubby back (no more PhD!)!

We're going to be updating our blog more often now, so come back for more soon, including our winter wonderland drive from Oregon to Minnesota! Did I mention that it was -20F out the night we got to my parents' house...?

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